Phase 2 Cohort: 02-111423ll

The Coaching Academy for Leaders

Practice one-on-one, team, and group coaching. Learn how to build a coaching culture as well as a coaching practice. Form and lead HITS (High Impact Teams) and establish coaching services within your organization. Understand professional standards for the coaching profession. Learn the coach approach to professional development, performance management and performance improvement.

Accreditation – 55.5 hours conforming to the standards of ICF Level 2 Pathway to PCC
Pre-Requisites – To qualify for this level, you must have already completed a Level 1 Pathway to the ACC Credential
Duration – 27 Week Program
2.5 Hours Instruction per week plus self-directed learning
Language – Course is offered in English
Delivery – Small group format of 5 to 15 participants
Combination of online live Coaching Practicums, and online live Explore and Discover Masterminds, plus private 1-to-1 coaching sessions
61 hrs total instruction + 1.5 hours private coaching (3 x 30-minute coaching sessions)




Nov 14th, 2023 - June 4th, 2024

Tuesdays, 11AM - 1PM EST
Break: December 24th - January 7th, 2024 March 24th - March 31st, 2024
Coach Educator: Lori Lacey, PCC
Pre-Requisites - To qualify for this level, you must have already completed a Level 1 Pathway to the ACC Credential

Payment Plans Available, choose your option:
One-time Payment: $5275 (Best Value)
$915 x 6 payments
$465 x 12 payments



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