Management Tools To Cultivate Curiosity


Corry Robertson, PCC profile picture

By: Corry Robertson, PCC

Lumina Spark Psychometric Assessment

Lumina Spark Psychometric Assessment

I was once a dedicated DISC practitioner but then something magical happened. A coaching colleague introduced me to a game changer that I was delighted to embrace. This transformational tool is called Lumina Spark and it has revolutionized psychometrics. Like DISC, Insights and MBTI, Lumina Spark is a psychometric tool that is used by coaches like me to help raise the self awareness of their clients.

However, according to columnist Alexandra Bosanac, in the October edition of Canadian Business Week, the MBTI has no place in business because of the self limiting labels that it stamps on people. In her fascinating article, she reports that companies are moving away from the MBTI in favour of encouraging managers to cultivate a genuine curiosity about themselves and their colleagues so as to better communicate, motivate and manage.

This is where the Lumina Spark is remarkably powerful and versatile. Unlike the tools mentioned above, Lumina is able to help you explore and embrace the aspects of one’s personality and communication style in a way that includes paradox. For example, it captures how I can be introverted and extroverted depending on the circumstances. It helps me explore how my strength of being highly reliable can show its shadow side of hesitancy when I am over extended and it allows for such seeming contradictions as being able to be a change agent and a keeper of tradition.

Lumina is the only psychometric tool on the market today that will not put you in a box or give you a restricting label. Lumina will bring forth deep insight about how you use your energy, how and when you use your attributes as strengths and Lumina will reveal your blind spots to help you navigate your way to your personal power. It will also teach you how to speed read others so that you can quickly and effectively nip derailing personality dynamics in the bud.

Lumina brings the field of psychometrics to a whole new level. It was ground breaking when it was launched in 2008 and has now been on the international business scene for long enough to prove that it is the most powerful and effective psychometric tool on the market.

If you would like to read a detailed validity factsheet about the science behind this powerful tool, please read on:

Business Psychology In Action
Lumina Spark’s innovative design was conceived of by Stewart Desson, a humanistic psychologist working at the University of Westminster’s Business Psychology Centre. The design embraces the core values of humanistic psychology – a fundamentally optimistic belief in the potential of all human beings to learn and grow. Stewart is also the Director of Research as well as the CEO and founder of Lumina Learning….click here for more….

I invite you to download my free assessment of your executive coaching needs which is available on the homepage of this website. By doing this , you will also be automatically signed up to receive my newsletter with links to my video tutorials and articles. In the coming weeks I will be publishing my short tutorial videos where I share insights on the aspects of the personality and qualities as described by Lumina. I hope that you will find the information useful and that it brings your level of self awareness and awareness of others to new heights.

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Corry Robertson

Sought-after coaching culture expert, Corry Robertson has been helping leaders uplevel employee retention and performance for over 20 years.

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