A winning organizational culture outperforms the competition

Organizational Culture can
make or break your business strategy

A strong culture directly impacts the bottom line. In fact, it is the only sustainable competitive advantage because it cannot be duplicated – unlike a service, product, price point, or delivery system.

We understand your specific challenges


The fight to acquire and retain talent in a highly competitive industry


People management in an ‘engineering culture’ where soft skills are undervalued and underdeveloped


Rapid growth and the dilution of your work culture


Bridging the generational gap

If you are struggling with costly difficulties like losing clients or managing challenging ones, poor productivity, low employee engagement, high turnover, or difficult office dynamics – a winning organizational culture is the key to success.

52% of voluntarily exiting employees say their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job.

What culture does your strategy demand?

What is your brand promise? What kind of a workforce do you need to deliver that promise and who do you need to be as a leader to build and guide that workforce?

There are many paths to a thriving culture, but the secret is that for your company to thrive, your people must thrive. And it all begins with leadership development.

“Corry’s simple famous words “moving from ‘me to we’” were an example of how she demonstrated knowledge of group systems and what it would take to make a group work successfully. Corry is a skilled executive coach who truly understands the pressures of entrepreneurs.”

Stephan Bensoussan

Our Approach Is Different


More Impact in Less Time

Our flexible programs and delivery mean less downtime for executives and teams


Better 360° Data

Our gold-standard assessments provide real data you can use to make changes today


No Awkward “Trust-Fall” Retreats

You need work-relevant team alignment, not fluffy ‘feel good’ socialization


Actual Lasting Results

Our proprietary microlearning programs create lasting results that you just can’t achieve with workshops and retreats

84% of Employees are either disengaged or actively disengaged

Culture Matters for Corporate Performance

Here’s how we can help



Reduce turnover and create an environment where employees thrive


Performance Management

Move your team from average to high performance, quickly


Organizational Leadership Coaching

Build a bench of coaches and activate high performing teams – Cultivate presence and practice the art of influence


1:1 Executive Coaching

Lead from a place of self-
awareness, transparency, curiosity and vision



Understand your current reality and improve performance, communication and results



We create custom,
tailored programs to meet you where you are

Get a fresh perspective on your #1 challenge right now

Culture Management Insights

6 Core Work Culture Values for Tech Leaders

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Debugging Leadership in the Tech World

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Leaders Must Be The Culture

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Let’s Talk Culture Management

FREE WEBINAR: Breakthrough Moments in Work-Life Dynamics with Coaching - Oct 30


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