I have heard of senior executives who say that they dont have the time or the budget for designing a culture or investing in the professional development of the management teams.
Approximately 25% to 40% of Fortune 500 companies use executive coaches (the hay group)
The vast majority (86%) of those able to provide figures to calculate company ROI indicated that their company had at least made their investment back.
Almost one-fifth (19%) indicated an ROI of at least 50 times the initial investment while a further 28% saw an ROI of ten to 49 times the investment.
The median company return is 700% indicating that typically a company can expect a return of seven times the initial investment.“
These figures demonstrate that when you build a culture where people are alive from 9 to 5, the people thrive so your company with thrive.
Our time at work takes up such huge part of our lives so we owe it to ourselves to tap into our spirits to find the essence of our power. We owe it to those who employ us as well as to those who report up to us to build a culture where there is spirit at work and people are alive from 9 to 5 because, for your company to thrive, the people must thrive.
Come visit next week to read about how individual contributors and leaders alike can bring their Spirit to work and come alive from 9 to 5.
Our time at work takes up such huge part of our lives so we owe it to ourselves to tap into our spirits to find the essence of our power. We owe it to those who employ us as well as to those who report up to us to build a culture where there is spirit at work and people are alive from 9 to 5 because, for your company to thrive, the people must thrive.