Reference Library

Strategies, articles and community to help you build a winning work culture

Health & Wellbeing

  • “The Energetic Heart: Biolectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People” Source: The Neuropsychotherapist [Link]
  • “Physical exhaustion: Learning how to thrive in a remote world” Source: BetterUp [Link]
  • “How Reflection Can Encourage Ethical Business Practices” Source: BTheChange [Link]
  • “What the Pandemic Is Doing to Our Brains” Source: The Atlantic [Link]
  • “The Top 10 Insights From the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2017”, Source: Greater Good [PDF]
  • “Yale’s Most Popular Class-Happiness” Source: New York Times [PDF]


  • “5 Steps to Encourage Gratitude in the Workplace” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “Four Lessons I’ve Learned About Gratitude” Source: Greater Good Science Center [Link]
  • “14 Health Benefits of Practicing Gratitude According to Science” Source: [Link]


  • “Don’t Work on Vacation. Seriously.” Source: Harvard Business Review [Link]
  • “Web Exclusive: Positive Psychology as a Catalyst for Change” Source: Harvard Business Review [Link]
  • “10 Trends to Watch in Psychology” Source: American Psychological Association (Check out #2, 6 and 8) [PDF]
  • “Homework Therapist’ Job: Help Solve Math Ploblems, and Empotional Ones” by Kyle Spencer,  Source: The New York Times [PDF]
  • “Lawyers Rank Highest On ‘Loneliness Scale’, Study Finds” by Debra Cassens Weiss, Source: ABA Journal Featuring Research From BetterUp [PDF]
  • “How Kindness Became Our Forbidden Pleasure” by Maria Popova, [PDF]
  • “The Mental Benefits of Vacationing Somewhere New” by Todd B. Kashdan, Source:Harvard Business Review [PDF]
  • “Kierkegaard on Why Anxiety Powers Creativity Rather Than Hindering It” by Maria Popova, [PDF]

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