Reference Library

Strategies, articles and community to help you build a winning work culture


  • “The Costs and Risks of Poorly Managed Change” Source: Prosci [Link]
  • “What Great Managers Do” Source: Harvard Business Review [Link]
  • “What Your Kids Can Teach You About Being a Better Manager (Seriously)” Source: Entrepreneur [Link]
  • “Most Managers Don’t Know How to Coach People. But They Can Learn.” Source: Harvard Business Review [Link]
  • “How the SDG Action Manager Can Help Your Company Move the Impact Needle” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “9 Differences Between Being A Leader And A Manager” Source: Forbes [Link]
  • “Here Are 4 Problems That Occur With Poor Management Skills” Source: [Link]
  • “What I Learned About Management And Culture From Growing Uber’s Asia Business From Zero To Billions”  Source: First Round Review [PDF]
  • “Measurement, Meet Management” by Mike Prokopeak, CLO [PDF]
  • “BetterUp Raises $26 Million To Democratize Professional Coaching” by Alexi Robichaux, BetterUp  [PDF]
  • How COVID Is Fast-Forwarding The Future Of Your Job Source: LinkedIn Source: Ryan Holmes, CEO at Hootesuite [Link]
  • The Significance of Executive Presence Source: Training industry Magazine [Link]
  • “Whitepaper – Why Organisations should Hire More Women.pdf” Source: Lumina Learning [Link]
  • “Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work” Source: Ted [Link]
  • “Most In Demand Skills 2020” Source: LinkedIn [Link]
  • “The Refugee Workforce: A Solution to the U.S. Labor Shortage” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “Want to Get Noticed in 2020? Try These Tactics” Source: [Link]
  • “The Benefits of Blended Learning” Source: [Link]
  • “What I Think: When Cities Lead the Charge for Inclusion” Source: [Link]
  • “Shifting Mindsets – The Judger vs. Learner Mindset – Nano Tools for Leaders” Source: Wharton [Link]
  • “A Sustainable Vision for Fashion’s Future” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “How the SDG Action Manager Can Help Your Company Move the Impact Needle” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “Impact of Employee Ownership on Sustainability” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “Investors Play an Important Role for Businesses Pursuing the UN Sustainable Development Goals” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “Solving the World’s Biggest Issues Involves Keeping Your Purpose Close” Source: B The Change [Link]
  • “18 Habits of Mentally Strong People” Source: [Link]

Remote Team Management

  • “6 Ways Leaders Are Failing Their Remote Teams” Source: Entrepreneur [Link]
  • “Managing Your Company Culture Virtually Through a Pandemic” Source: Entrepreneur [Link]
  • “How to Lead From a Distance” Source: Center for Creative Leadership [Link]
  • “9 Ways to Make Your Off-Site Meetings and Retreats Eco-Friendly” Source: B The Change [Link]

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